How can I find help for myself or someone else?
You can find services that meet your needs by using any of the following methods: entering or selecting a keyword in the search bar, choose a popular topic, or search by taxonomy terms. Using a guided search, available in the header of the website, allows you to create a customized plan.
A keyword can be entered or selected at any time in the search bar. If you search through a popular topic, the search will only return results tied to that topic.
What browser do I need?
We support the latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. For best website experience and performance, please update your browser to the most current version.
Is this site accessible for people with disabilities?
Yes. For more details, please read our accessibility policy.
What kinds of resources are available in this directory?
The resource database contains information on the community services individuals and communities need to sustain and improve their daily lives--health care and childcare, job training, education and recreation, retirement, disability and social service information. This directory contains information on nonprofit and public health and human service programs and some for-profit programs such as housing.
Can I get help over the phone or in person?
If you are a Minnesota senior or a caregiver for a Minnesota senior, you can email the Senior LinkAge Line® with questions or comments or you can call 1-800-333-2433.
If you are a person with a disability (or a representative of a person with a disability), you can e-mail the Disability Hub MN with questions or comments or you can call 1-866-333-2466.
If you are a Minnesota teen or young adult, you can call this phone number: (651) 431-4714; Mon - Fri, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, or you can send an email with questions or concerns.
How can I make the text larger or smaller?
In your browser, you can change the text size for easier reading if desired. This tip applies to Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome:
To increase the size font, you can either:
- Hold "Ctrl" + scroll up with mouse
- Hold "Ctrl" + "+" key
To decrease the size of the font, you can either:
- Hold "Ctrl" + scroll down with mouse
- Hold "Ctrl" + "-" key
How can I see more details about a service in the search results list?
Click on the name of the provider in the results list. All the details about the selected service will be displayed.
How can I e-mail a list of services I found on this web site?
On the results page
- Click the "Print/Export" button in the results header
- Select "Email a Link to These Results" from the dropdown menu.
- Fill out the email form.
- Click the "Send" button
The email will include a web link that will take the recipient directly to the list of services you are viewing.
How can I save resources I've found on this web site?
You can save any resources you find on this web site by creating a private and secure user account. When you've done that you can save as many resources as you like. Each time you sign in to the web site you'll be able view any of your saved resources and add more.
If you haven't already created a user account, go to the registration page. If you already have a user account and would like to sign in now, you can go to the My® logon page.
To save any number of services from the search results list, click inside the checkboxes in the left-most column for each of the services you want to save. Then click the "Compare/Save" button and choose "Save Checked Items to Favorites."
You can also save a service from the details page by clicking the "Save to Favorites" button.
What if I see incorrect information?
If you know information about a service is incorrect, has changed, or found information that is missing, please email us to let us know.
Are you a service provider?
Go to Contact Us to submit changes to your agency's information.