Manor House
4628 Manor Park Dr NW, Rochester, MN, 55901
(507) 282-0868
Service Details
Respite provides care on a short-term basis for a person who cannot take care of themselves, and who is usually taken care of by a family member or friend. The service is designed to provide temporary coverage for the caregiver during an absence or need for relief.
Additional Information
Respite care and services for adults with Traumatic Brain Injuries or other neurological disorders
About This Location
This provider accepts waivers and Alternative Care for services if written in a support plan.
Contact them about other funding options, like private pay.
Waiver funding may cover up to 30 consecutive days of respite, 24 hours a day.
Learn more about this service when paid for under the waivers or the Alternative Care program in the Community-Based Services Manual.
If you have waiver funding, the support plan (based on an assessment of your needs) determines which services are funded through your waiver.
Area Served by County
- Olmsted County
- Alternative Care Waiver (AC)
- Brain Injury Waiver (BI)
- Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver (CADI)
- Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver
- Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD)
- Elderly Waiver (EW)
Waiver Service Specialties
- In-Home Respite
- Out-of-Home Respite
Candidates for admission to must meet the following criteria:
* Have a medical diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or other neurological deficit.
* Be 18 years or older.
* Be willing to exhibit two-way communications, and must be able to express their basic needs.
* Be willing and able to participate in behavioral management and cognitive training where needed, to assist them in community reintegration.
* Be able to ambulate with or without assistive devices (such as a wheelchair or walker).
* Be able to transfer independently if they use assistive devices to ambulate.
Application Instructions
Call (507) 282-0868
Area Served
Olmsted County
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (507) 322-6474 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
PH-7000Respite Care Definition
Programs that provide a brief period of relief or rest for family members, guardians or other people who are regular caregivers for dependent adults or children by offering temporary or intermittent care in the home or in community settings/facilities.
PH-7000.3300In Home Respite Care Definition
Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for family members, guardians or others who are regular caregivers for children and/or dependent adults by offering temporary or intermittent care for the individual(s) in their own home.
PH-7000.6000Out of Home Respite Care Definition
Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for family members, guardians or others who are regular caregivers for children and/or dependent adults by offering temporary or intermittent care for the individual(s) in a community setting/facility.
YF-3000.1300-050Brain Injuries Definition
Any of a variety of conditions that occur following birth including traumatic damage in the birth process or as the result of an accident (the most common of which are vehicular accidents, falls, acts of violence and sports injuries), anoxia or hypoxic episodes and allergic conditions, toxic substances and other acute medical/clinical incidents that are characterized by significant destruction of brain tissue and resultant loss of brain function. Examples of brain injuries include hematomas, blood clots, contusions or bruising of brain tissue, cerebral edema (swelling inside the skull), concussions and strokes.