
1433 E Franklin Ave, Ste 13B, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 871-9481


Description: Helps individuals or groups make sure they receive benefits and services for which they are eligible

Description: Helps individuals or groups make sure they receive benefits and services for which they are eligible

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider

Legal Education and Information

1433 E Franklin Ave, Ste 13B, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 871-9481


Description: Basic information about various legal topics

Description: Basic information about various legal topics

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider

Job Search Assistance

1433 E Franklin Ave, Ste 13B, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 871-9481


Description: Help to find and get a job that matches your qualifications, experience and interests

Description: Help to find and get a job that matches your qualifications, experience and interests

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider

Help to Find Housing

1433 E Franklin Ave, Ste 13B, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 871-9481


Description: Assistance with locating a place to live

Description: Assistance with locating a place to live

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider