Age Well Arrowhead
Senior Housing Transitions
306 W Superior St, Ste 10, Duluth, MN, 55802
Distance: 0 Miles
(218) 623-7800
Service Details
Helps families and older adults find assisted living, independent living or memory care.
Transitions - Recognizing there comes a time that remaining at home is no longer an option, assists families and individuals with finding the perfect location to transition to.
This includes
* Identifying housing options in the community
* Assisting with applications and facility tours
* Identifying and connecting to resources to make the process smooth and worry free
* Continued check-ins and ongoing support after the transition process is included in this service
Transitions are individualized and customized to ensure total satisfaction.
Area Served by County
- St. Louis County
Business Hours
8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday
Area Served
St. Louis County
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (218) 623-7800 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
- Caregiver Consultant
- Caregiver Education and Training
- Caregiver Support - REACH
- Case Management
- Chore Services (Waiver)
- Community Living Assistance (CLA)
- Companionship
- Family Caregiver Services
- Family Training
- Grocery Delivery - Groceries To Go
- Home Repair and Maintenance
- Homemaker Services
- House Cleaning
- Respite
- Snow Removal
- Transportation
- Transportation (Waiver)
- Yard Work
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
BH-3900Housing Search and Information Definition
Programs that help people to find and select available rental or purchasable housing, commercial lots and/or residential lots which meet their individual needs. Included is information that is available online, in print or in other formats.
BH-8500.8000Senior Housing Information and Referral Definition
Programs that maintain information about retirement residences, residential care facilities and nursing homes, and link older adults who are looking for alternative living options with appropriate independent or supervised living resources.