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Age Well Arrowhead

Senior Housing Transitions

306 W Superior St, Ste 10, Duluth, MN, 55802

Distance: 0 Miles

(218) 623-7800


Service Details


Helps families and older adults find assisted living, independent living or memory care.

Transitions - Recognizing there comes a time that remaining at home is no longer an option, assists families and individuals with finding the perfect location to transition to.

This includes
* Identifying housing options in the community
* Assisting with applications and facility tours
* Identifying and connecting to resources to make the process smooth and worry free
* Continued check-ins and ongoing support after the transition process is included in this service

Transitions are individualized and customized to ensure total satisfaction.


  • Area Served by County
    • St. Louis County 

Business Hours

8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday

Area Served

St. Louis County


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (218) 623-7800

Last Update


Other Locations

This provider does not offer this service at other locations.

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