Career Counseling

Grand Rapids CareerForce Center

1215 SE 2nd Ave, Grand Rapids, MN, 55744

(218) 327-6758


Description: Help with finding a new career

Description: Help with finding a new career

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Career Counseling

Minnesota North College – Rainy River Campus

1501 Highway 71, Rainy River Community College Rm SC128, International Falls, MN, 56649

(218) 283-7529


Description: Help with finding a new career

Description: Help with finding a new career

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Home Ownership Assistance

Virginia Office

702 S 3rd Ave, Virginia, MN, 55792

(218) 735-6895


Description: Help to make home loans and home ownership more affordable for low-income families

Description: Help to make home loans and home ownership more affordable for low-income families

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Weatherization Assistance Program

Virginia Office

702 S 3rd Ave, Virginia, MN, 55792

(218) 735-6952


Description: Helps low-income homeowners and renters to reduce energy costs

Description: Helps low-income homeowners and renters to reduce energy costs

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Weatherization Assistance Program

Weatherization Office

2900 E Beltline, Ste 9, Hibbing, MN, 55746

(218) 735-6952


Description: Helps low-income homeowners and renters to reduce energy costs

Description: Helps low-income homeowners and renters to reduce energy costs

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Volunteer Opportunities

Virginia Office

702 S 3rd Ave, Virginia, MN, 55792

(800) 662-5711 Ext: 7328


Description: Find volunteer positions

Description: Find volunteer positions

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Volunteer Opportunities

Duluth Arrowhead RSVP Office

2014 W 3rd St, Duluth, MN, 55806

(218) 409-5991


Description: Find volunteer positions

Description: Find volunteer positions

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Emergency Shelter

Bill's House (Virginia Shelter)

210 3rd St N, Virginia, MN, 55792

(218) 741-2063


Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Emergency Shelter

Hibbing AEOA Office

2125 2nd Ave E, Hibbing, MN, 55746

(218) 263-8487


Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Emergency Shelter

International Falls Office

1000 5th St, International Falls, MN, 56649

(218) 741-2063


Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Emergency Shelter

Two Harbors Office

2124 10th St, Norden Ind. Park, Two Harbors, MN, 55616

(218) 834-2280


Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Emergency Shelter

Virginia Youth Foyer

Call for location

(218) 749-0766


Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Emergency Shelter

Virginia Office

702 S 3rd Ave, Virginia, MN, 55792

(218) 741-2063


Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Emergency Shelter

Grand Rapids Office

421 SE 13th St, Grand Rapids, MN, 55744

(218) 322-6503


Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Medical Equipment or Assistive Technology Loan Program

Virginia Office

702 S 3rd Ave, Virginia, MN, 55792

(800) 662-5711 Ext: 6899


Description: Lends medical equipment or assistive technology at no cost

Description: Lends medical equipment or assistive technology at no cost

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Food Shelf

Grand Marais Food Shelf

300 2nd St W, Congregational Church, Grand Marais, MN, 55604

(218) 387-2113


Description: Food support is available to people in need

Description: Food support is available to people in need

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Food Shelf

Quad City Food Shelf (Mt. Iron)

8367 Enterprise Dr N, Mountain Iron, MN, 55768

(218) 749-1371


Description: Food support is available to people in need

Description: Food support is available to people in need

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Food Shelf

Proctor Food Shelf

100 S Poink Dr, North door, Proctor, MN, 55810

(218) 628-6288


Description: Food support is available to people in need

Description: Food support is available to people in need

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Food Shelf

Silver Bay Office

99 Edison Blvd, County Service Center, Silver Bay, MN, 55614

(218) 220-0467


Description: Food support is available to people in need

Description: Food support is available to people in need

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider

Food Shelf

Chisholm Food Shelf

208 W Lake St, Chisholm, MN, 55719

(218) 966-3862


Description: Food support is available to people in need

Description: Food support is available to people in need

Other Services: 65 Services offered by this provider