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Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA) - Senior Nutrition Program

Home Delivered Meals

Hoyt Lakes - Vaughn's Restaurant

312 Westover Rd, Hoyt Lakes, MN, 55750

Distance: 389 Miles

(800) 662-5711 Ext: 6899


Service Details


Meal delivery programs prepare and deliver nutritious meals to older adults and people with disabilities who are unable to make the food for themselves or travel to a meal site.

Additional Information

Hot meals are delivered daily Monday - Friday with frozen meals on the weekends and holidays for those 60 years of age or older, unable to drive, homebound by reason of illness or disability and unable to prepare their own meals.

Nutritious frozen meals are available to seniors living in rural areas outside of the local Meals on Wheels delivery area. Ten or fourteen meal packs are delivered in the counties of Aitkin, Itasca, Lake and St. Louis County.

They also ask that "homebound" patrons let them know if they will not be home. This courtesy reduces food waste. If you are not going to be home for your delivered meal, please cancel your meals.

The Groceries-to-Go Program provides a grocery service to homebound older adults unable to manage grocery shopping.


  • Area Served by County
    • St. Louis County 
  • Payment
    • Private pay 
    • Sliding fee scale 
    • Title III 
  • Specialization
    • People with low income 

Application Instructions

To register, call (218) 735-6899 or call toll free at (800) 662-5711 Ext: 6899 to complete an intake form and learn where the nearest site is located.


Age 60+: $4.50 per meal (No one is denied service because of the inability to pay)
Guests under age 60: Full price meal
Home Delivered and Bundled Services patrons are sent a monthly statement for their services.

Meals are available to individuals through the Elderly Waiver (EW), Alternative Care (AC) and the Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) programs.

Business Hours

7:00am - 10:00am and 11:00am - 2:00pm, Monday - Sunday

Area Served

St. Louis County


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (218) 225-3331
Toll Free (800) 662-5711 Ext: 6899

Last Update


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