Asian American Elderly Assisted Living LLC
Family Counseling
Asian American Elderly Assisted Living LLC - Minnehaha
2113 Minnehaha Ave E, St. Paul, MN, 55119
(763) 245-7701
Service Details
Family Counseling is a disability waiver service that includes counseling for the person and/or family members as identified in the individual plan of care.
About This Location
Covered service may include help for a person and/or family members with any of the following:
* Boundary issues
* Communication techniques
* Conflict management
* Family roles
* Problem solving
* Relationships
Learn more about this service when paid for under the waivers in the Community-Based Services Manual.
If you have disability waiver funding, the support plan (based on an assessment of your needs) determines which services are funded through your waiver.
Area Served by County
- Ramsey County
- Brain Injury Waiver (BI)
- Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver (CADI)
- Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver
- Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD)
Area Served
Ramsey County
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (763) 569-0127 |
Last Update
Other Locations
- Asian American Elderly Assisted Living LLC - 62nd 5313 62nd Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN, 55429
Other Services or resources
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
RP-1400.8000-145Caregiver Counseling Definition
Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in individual and/or group settings for family members, friends, significant others, non-familial caregivers or attendants who are caring for someone who has a serious illness or disability or who is elderly and increasingly unable to provide for his or her own care, and are feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities and the effect that their caregiving role has had on their lives.