Chisago County Health and Human Services
County Programs for Health Care Financial Assistance
313 N Main St, Rm 230, Center City, MN, 55012
(651) 213-5600
Service Details
County programs that can help cover the cost of health care include:
* Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA): Covers the cost of emergency medical care for people with low-incomes
* Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD): Work incentive that allows people with disabilities to work and keep their Medical Assistance (MA)
* Medical Assistance (MA): Minnesota's Medicaid program that provides health care coverage to low-income children, families, pregnant women, adults without children apply online, people 65 or older apply online, and people with disabilities apply online
* Medical Assistance - Tax Equity Fairness and Responsibility Act (MA-TEFRA): An insurance option for children with disabilities who live with their parent(s), need a high level of care, and whose parents have too much income for their child to qualify for MA
* Medicare Savings Programs - Service Limited Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB), Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB), Qualified Individual (QI) and Qualified Working Disabled (QWD): Programs help people on Medicare who have low-to-modest incomes to pay for Medicare premiums and sometimes other Medicare costs
* Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA): A Minnesota Health Care Program (MHCP) that provides health care insurance coverage to refugees with low income
* County Burial Assistance: Financial assistance with final expenses when families don't have the resources themselves. County workers will assess for eligibility for burial and other expenses.
Area Served by County
- Chisago County
- Children and/or youth with disabilities
- Disabilities
- Older adults
- People with low income
- Refugees
Check specific program guidelines for requirements.
Business Hours
8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday
Area Served
Chisago County
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
- Adult Foster Care (AFC) and Community Residential Setting (CRS) Licensing
- Adult Protective Services (APS)
- Apply for Waiver Programs
- Consumer Support Grant (CSG) Program
- County Programs for Families
- County Programs for Food Support
- County Programs for Income Assistance
- County Programs for People with Disabilities
- Emergency Assistance
- Family Support Grant (FSG)
- Find Substance Use Disorder Treatment
- Housing Support
- MinnesotaCare
- MnCHOICES Assessment and Support Planning
- Public Health Clinic
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
LD-1700Emergency Room Care Definition
Hospitals and other health care facilities that provide 24-hour diagnostic and treatment services for people who have acute, life-threatening injuries or severe illnesses.
LH-5100.3000Health Insurance Premium Assistance Definition
Programs that make health insurance payments for individuals who are at risk for losing their health, dental and/or vision care coverage and who meet age, income, disability, need or other requirements. Some programs may also provide assistance with deductibles and co-pays.
LH-5100.5000Medical Care Expense Assistance Definition
Programs that pay the hospital bills, doctor bills, laboratory expenses or other health care expenses of people who are unable to obtain necessary health care without assistance. Also included are programs that provide vouchers which enable eligible individuals to obtain medical care. Medical bill payment assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.
NL-5000.5000Medicaid Definition
A combined federal and state program administered by the state that provides medical benefits for individuals and families with limited incomes who fit into an eligibility group that is recognized by federal and state law. Each state sets its own guidelines regarding eligibility and services within parameters established at the federal level. Many people are covered by Medicaid, though within these groups, certain additional requirements must be met. Eligibility factors include people's age, whether they are pregnant, have a disability, are blind, or aged; their income and resources (like bank accounts, real property or other items that can be sold for cash); and whether they are U.S. citizens or lawfully admitted immigrants. Families who are receiving benefits through TANF and individuals who receive SSI as aged, blind and disabled are categorically eligible groups. The rules for counting a person's income and resources vary from state to state and from group to group. There are special rules for those who live in nursing homes, for people served under the Medicaid Waiver program, for people served by Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) programs and for children with disabilities living at home. Medicaid makes payments directly to a person's health care provider; and some recipients may be asked to pay a small part of the cost (co-payment) for some medical services. Most states have additional "state-only" programs to provide medical assistance for specified low-income persons who do not qualify for the Medicaid program.
NL-5000.5000-520Medicaid Applications Definition
County or state offices that accept applications and determine eligibility for the Medicaid program; and reinstate individuals who have lost their Medicaid benefits due to incarceration, institutionalization, noncompliance or other reasons. Also included are other programs that help people prepare and file Medicaid applications and/or are authorized to do eligibility determinations for the program.
NL-5000.5000-525Medicaid Buy In Programs Definition
Programs that enable people with disabilities who are working and earning more than the allowable limits for regular Medicaid to retain their health care coverage through the Medicaid program. Participants "buy into" the program, typically by paying premiums that are based on income.
NL-5000.5000-700Medicare Savings Programs Definition
Programs that cover all or a portion of Medicare costs for low income Medicare beneficiaries with limited resources/assets. Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) are administered by Medicaid medical assistance offices, pay all or a portion of Medicare premiums and may pay Medicare deductibles and co-insurance. Included are the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program that pays Medicare premiums, deductibles and co-payments for people with combined incomes that do not exceed 100 percent of the federal poverty level; the Specified Low-Income Beneficiary (SLMB) program that pays Medicare Part B premiums for people with combined incomes between 100 and 120 percent of the federal poverty level; the Qualifying Individuals (QI) program that pays Medicare Part B premiums for people with combined incomes 120 and 135 percent of the federal poverty level; and the Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals (QDWI) program that helps pay the Part A premium for individuals under age 65 who have a disability and are working, have lost their premium-free Part A when they returned to work, are not receiving medical assistance from their state and meet income and resource limits required by their state. The QI program is a limited program (block grant to states), and is available on a first come, first serve basis. Asset/resource limits for these programs are adjusted each year and may vary by state.
NS-8000.7900State Health Programs for Immigrants Definition
State sponsored programs that offer medical coverage for immigrants, in some cases regardless of their immigration status. Application criteria may limit eligibility to adults within a specified age range who have been legal residents for a specified period of time or an undocumented immigrant (including individuals in a Temporary Protected Status) and comply with income limits. Covered services may include physician and hospital care, lab tests, rehabilitation services such as physical and occupational therapy, home health, mental health and substance use disorder services, dental and vision services and prescription drugs. Long term care services such as nursing facility care and home or community-based services may not be covered.
PB-0900Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance Definition
Programs that provide financial assistance to help families who have lost a loved one pay for the funeral and/or the cremation or interment of the individual's remains.
YC-5000Medicaid Recipients Definition
Low-income individuals who are receiving comprehensive medical benefits through the federal Medicaid program administered by the county or the state.
YC-5100Medicare Beneficiaries Definition
Individuals, age 65 and older or younger than age 65 with a disability, who have hospital, medical and prescription drug insurance through the federally-funded Medicare program.
YE-3300Immigrants Definition
Individuals from other countries who have come to the United States to live permanently.
YE-7000Refugees/Entrants/Asylees Definition
Individuals who have fled their native country and have been given official permission by the government to settle permanently in another country. In the United States, refugee status is given to people who are outside their country of nationality and who are unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution based on the individuals' race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. Entrant status allows the individual to remain in the U.S., but does not confer true "refugee" status. Asylees are refugees who apply for this status while already in the U.S. (on student or tourist visas, for example).
YE-9000Undocumented People Definition
Individuals who are residing in the country on a temporary or permanent basis without a visa or other documentation to make their presence legal.
YG-8000.3300International Students Definition
Exchange students and other people from countries outside the United States who are enrolled in classes or courses of study in American schools, colleges or universities.
YJ-8750People With Disabilities/Health Conditions Definition
Individuals who have physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional limitations, illnesses or injuries that affect their ability to engage in one or more major life activities. Disabilities and health conditions may be temporary or permanent, may be present at birth or occur at any point in a person's lifetime, and can be of different levels of severity.
YJ-8750.1500Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions Definition
Children and adolescents who have physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional limitations, illnesses or injuries that affect their performance in school and their ability to engage in one or more major life activities.
YJ-8800People Without Health Insurance Definition
Individuals and families who have no health care insurance coverage and who may not be receiving adequate medical care as a consequence.
YL-3300.4500Low Income Definition
Individuals or families whose annual income is between 150 and 200% of poverty level for their family size.
YL-3300.6500Poverty Level Definition
People whose annual income is within the federal poverty level guidelines which vary according to family size and are revised annually.
YX-1500.9000Victims of Human Trafficking Definition
Individuals (including adults and children, males and females) who have been abducted, sold, recruited under fraud or pretence or otherwise brought under the control of another person, and forced, by means of threats, intimidation, violence or other forms of coercion, into unpaid or underpaid labor, servitude, prostitution or forced marriage, either domestically within their own country or internationally. Other forms of exploitation include provision of children for illegal adoption, provision of women as mail-order brides, and subjection of individuals of all ages to the forced removal of organs.