Food Shelf

408 15th St SW, Forest Lake, MN, 55025

(651) 464-0061


Description: Food support is available to people in need

Description: Food support is available to people in need

Other Services: 3 Services offered by this provider

Holiday Program

408 15th St SW, Forest Lake, MN, 55025

(651) 464-0061


Description: Helps to celebrate holidays with food or gifts

Description: Helps to celebrate holidays with food or gifts

Other Services: 3 Services offered by this provider

Help Paying for Basic Needs

408 15th St SW, Forest Lake, MN, 55025

(651) 464-0061


Description: Short term help for basic needs like food, shelter and transportation

Description: Short term help for basic needs like food, shelter and transportation

Other Services: 3 Services offered by this provider