Results for "Community Partners - Two Harbors, Fairfield, CT"
10 results
Telephone Reassurance
Community Partners
417 South Ave, Two Harbors, MN, 55616
997 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Check-in calls for people living alone at home
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Description: Program that provides rides for people in the community
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Support Group - Caregivers and Memory Loss (Memory Cafe)
Community Partners
417 South Ave, Two Harbors, MN, 55616
997 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Advice, support and comfort for people and their families
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Description: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to caregivers
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Activities for Seniors
Community Partners
417 South Ave, Two Harbors, MN, 55616
997 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Seniors have a chance to meet, socialize and learn together through classes and other opportunities
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Description: Friendly visits to people who may be socially isolated or have difficulty leaving their homes
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Chore Services (Waiver) - Home Maintenance, Grocery Shopping, Yard Work
Community Partners
417 South Ave, Two Harbors, MN, 55616
997 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Indoor and outdoor maintenance tasks to help a person live at home safely
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Transportation (Waiver)
Community Partners
417 South Ave, Two Harbors, MN, 55616
997 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Non-medical transportation to access services, community activities, and resources for people on a waiver or Alternative Care (AC) program, when other transportation is not available.
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Family Caregiver Services
Community Partners
417 South Ave, Two Harbors, MN, 55616
997 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Information and guidance for family members and friends who take care of an older adult or person with a disability
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider
Caregiver Consultant
Community Partners
417 South Ave, Two Harbors, MN, 55616
997 Miles—Get Directions
Description: Help for persons who take care of an older adult friend or family member, or grandparents who are taking care of grandchildren
Other Services: 10 Services offered by this provider