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Cradle of Love LLC

Transitional Services

1680 Suburban Ave, St. Paul, MN, 55106

(651) 200-3253


Service Details


Transitional Services are provided through a waiver to fund goods, deposits and moving expenses necessary and reasonable for a person to move from an eligible setting to a home they own or rent.

Transitional Services are typically short-term.

About This Location

Transitional services cover items such as:
* Lease and rental deposits
* Essential furniture
* Utility set up fees and deposits
* Basic household items
* Personal items
* One-time pest and allergen treatment of the setting
* Window coverings

Transitional services also cover personal supports to help the person:
* Locate and transition to community-based housing
* Move personal items from the licensed setting to the home
* Arrange for utilities to be connected
* Purchase household items and essential furniture

Learn more about this service when paid for under the disability waivers in the Community-Based Services Manual and under the Elderly Waiver in the Community-Based Services Manual.


  • Area Served by County
    • Ramsey County 
  • Payment
    • Elderly Waiver (EW) 
  • Waiver Service Specialties
    • Transitional Services Supports 


Transitional Services is the name of a benefit only available through waiver programs.

There are similar programs available to people who are not on waivers.

Application Instructions

To see if you qualify for help to move out of an institutional setting, call your county, tribe or health plan to request a MnCHOICES Assessment and Support Planning Eligibility Tool.

Area Served

Ramsey County

Provides Social Security Advocacy in Hennepin and Ramsey counties.


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (651) 200-3253

Last Update


Other Locations

This provider does not offer this service at other locations.

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