Elevate Patient Financial Solutions
Social Security Advocacy Services
25700 Interstate 45 N, Ste 300, Spring, TX, 77386
Distance: 956 Miles
(866) 534-6699
Service Details
This agency is contracted with the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide free Social Security advocacy services.
Advocates help people apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). They can help file an initial application, appeal a denied application, represent at hearing level, represent in a continuing disability review, and they make sure that people are applying for all benefits for which they are eligible.
Information about an agency's specific Social Security advocacy services can be found in the Social Security Advocacy Directory.
About This Location
Social Security Advocacy Services Provided: Initial Applications, Reconsiderations, Hearings
Area Served by County
- Aitkin County
- Anoka County
- Becker County
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- Yellow Medicine County
Legal Information
- Benefits assistance
- Free / no cost to eligible clients
- Disabilities
- Homeless
Children or adults between the ages of birth and 65 who:
* Have a disability which has lasted or will last for 12 months or longer; and
* Live in the state of Minnesota; and are
* Currently homeless or at risk for homelessness.
This is a free service.
Area Served
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (866) 534-6699 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
This provider does not offer other services or resources at this location.
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
FT-1000.9500Welfare Rights Assistance Definition
Programs that provide assistance for prospective or current public financial assistance recipients who are having difficulty understanding and/or obtaining the full benefits to which they are entitled by law under various income support entitlement programs. The programs may help people understand the eligibility criteria for benefits, how much they can work without affecting their benefits (for some programs), the benefits provided by the program, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete benefits application forms; negotiate on their behalf with public assistance benefits staff; and/or represent them in administrative hearings or judicial litigation. Included are welfare rights organizations that offer a range of advocacy services as well as legal aid programs that offer more formalized legal assistance. Entitlement programs include (but are not limited to) General Relief (GR), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Food Stamps/SNAP, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
FT-1020Certificates/Forms Assistance Definition
Programs that help people obtain, complete and/or file official forms, certificates, documents, applications or other paperwork that is required to apply for benefits or services, initiate or respond to legal action or to officially handle or document the occurrence of a transaction; that help people acquire copies of official documents on file elsewhere; or that review legal documentation an individual has received to help explain its meaning.
NL-1000.8100SSI Definition
A federal income maintenance program administered by the Social Security Administration that provides basic financial assistance in the form of monthly checks for people who are age 65 and older, blind or have a disability and who have little or no income and resources. Some states supplement SSI checks for certain categories of recipients. If the state's supplemental payment is federally administered, individuals are automatically assessed for SSP eligibility when they apply for SSI and the supplemental payment is included in their SSI check. If a state administers its own supplemental payments, individuals must apply separately at the state agency.
NL-1000.8100-800SSI Appeals/Complaints Definition
Programs that are responsible for hearing appeals and resolving complaints that have been filed by people who have applied for or who are receiving assistance through SSI and believe that they have been discriminated against, that their rights have been violated or that the Social Security Administration has failed to take appropriate action with respect to their application or benefits.
NL-1000.8100-820SSI Applications Definition
Social Security offices that accept applications and determine eligibility for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program; and reinstate individuals who have lost their SSI benefits due to incarceration, institutionalization, noncompliance or other reasons. Also included are other programs that help people prepare and file SSI applications and/or are authorized to do eligibility determinations for the program.
NS-1800.8000Social Security Disability Insurance Definition
A federal program administered by the Social Security Administration that provides monthly cash benefits for disabled workers who are fully insured under the program, who are not capable of substantial gainful work and who have completed a five month waiting period.
YJ-8750People With Disabilities/Health Conditions Definition
Individuals who have physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive, mental or emotional limitations, illnesses or injuries that affect their ability to engage in one or more major life activities. Disabilities and health conditions may be temporary or permanent, may be present at birth or occur at any point in a person's lifetime, and can be of different levels of severity.
YV-3000Homeless People Definition
Individuals and families who have no fixed, regular and adequate residence, who are residing temporarily with relatives or friends or who live on the street, in emergency or transitional shelters, in a hotel or motel paid for with a shelter voucher, in seriously substandard housing or in an abandoned building, place of business, car or other vehicle, or other public or private place that is not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for people. Some people who are homeless have issues with substance abuse, chronic or severe mental illness, chronic unemployment or underemployment, or other problems that prevent them from obtaining housing.