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Hanger Inc.

Specialized Equipment and Supplies

Hanger Inc - Rochester Clinic (23rd)

121 23rd Ave SW, Ste 101, Rochester, MN, 55902

Distance: 846 Miles

(507) 281-5250


Service Details


Specialized Equipment and Supplies is a waiver and Alternative Care program service for people who have an assessed need for additional supplies and equipment beyond what is covered by Medical Assistance (MA) and other funding sources.

Specialized Equipment and Supplies are devices, controls, or medical appliances specified in the support plan that enable the person to increase their ability to:
* Perform activities of daily living
* Perceive, control, or interact with their environment
* Communicate with others

State Medical Assistance plan medical equipment and supplies are defined under Minnesota Rules, parts 9505.0310.

Learn more about this service when paid for under the waivers or Alternative Care program in the Community-Based Services Manual.

About This Location

Supplies and equipment could include:
* Durable and non-durable medical equipment and supplies (when not available or denied under the state plan)
* Equipment repair and maintenance (unless covered by the manufacturer's warranty)
* Items necessary for life support
- Supplies necessary for the proper functioning of such life support
* Items that exceed the limits set for Medical Assistance (MA) state plan covered services
* Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)
* Add-ons to otherwise approved state plan items covered by MA that are determined necessary to meet the needs identified in the person's consumer support plan

The funding may include necessary training or instruction on the use of specialized supplies and equipment.

This service is available through most waivers and the Alternative Care (AC) program for people whose assessment and service plan shows a need for more supplies or equipment than what Medical Assistance (MA) or other funding covers.

The Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver does not cover this service, but Assistive Technology is available as a separate DD waiver service.

If you have waiver funding, the support plan (based on an assessment of your needs) determines which services are funded through your waiver.


  • Area Served by County
    • Olmsted County 
  • Payment
    • Alternative Care Waiver (AC) 
    • Brain Injury Waiver (BI) 
    • Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver (CADI) 
    • Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver 
    • Elderly Waiver (EW) 

Area Served

Olmsted County


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (507) 281-5250

Last Update


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