Results for "Healthy Seniors of Steele County, San Diego, CA"
8 results
Description: Program designed to help prevent falls by older adults
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to caregivers
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Help with routine outdoor maintenance
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Help with short trips to the store and other small tasks
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Friendly visits to people who may be socially isolated or have difficulty leaving their homes
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Temporary services provided so that a caregiver (typically a family member) can take a break.
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Program that provides rides for people in the community
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Experts who assist older adults and their families navigate the health, housing, financial and human service aspects of aging
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider