Medical Equipment and Supplies - Power Wheelchairs and Scooters
6015 31st St E, Ste 201, Bradenton, FL, 34203
(800) 964-6837
Service Details
Sells medical equipment/supplies that are used for health-related issues
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is used by people with a disability, ongoing health concerns or those recovering from home after a hospital stay.
Additional Information
Sells mobility devices such as:
* Power (motorized) chairs
* Mobility scooters
They also have home safety devices such as:
* Vehicle wheelchair lifts
* Bath lifts
* Bathroom and bedroom mobility accessories
* Power chair replacement parts to aid in mobility needs
Rental options also available.
Area Served by County
- Aitkin County
- Anoka County
- Becker County
- Beltrami County
- Benton County
- Big Stone County
- Blue Earth County
- Brown County
- Carlton County
- Carver County
- Cass County
- Chippewa County
- Chisago County
- Clay County
- Clearwater County
- Cook County
- Cottonwood County
- Crow Wing County
- Dakota County
- Dodge County
- Douglas County
- Faribault County
- Fillmore County
- Freeborn County
- Goodhue County
- Grant County
- Hennepin County
- Houston County
- Hubbard County
- Isanti County
- Itasca County
- Jackson County
- Kanabec County
- Kandiyohi County
- Kittson County
- Koochiching County
- Lac qui Parle County
- Lake County
- Lake of the Woods County
- Le Sueur County
- Lincoln County
- Lyon County
- Mahnomen County
- Marshall County
- Martin County
- McLeod County
- Meeker County
- Mille Lacs County
- Morrison County
- Mower County
- Murray County
- Nicollet County
- Nobles County
- Norman County
- Olmsted County
- Otter Tail County
- Pennington County
- Pine County
- Pipestone County
- Polk County
- Pope County
- Ramsey County
- Red Lake County
- Redwood County
- Renville County
- Rice County
- Rock County
- Roseau County
- Scott County
- Sherburne County
- Sibley County
- St. Louis County
- Statewide
- Stearns County
- Steele County
- Stevens County
- Swift County
- Todd County
- Traverse County
- Wabasha County
- Wadena County
- Waseca County
- Washington County
- Watonwan County
- Wilkin County
- Winona County
- Wright County
- Yellow Medicine County
Medical Equipment and Supplies
- Patient Lifts
- Power Operated Vehicles (Scooters)
- Wheelchair Accessories: Standard Power
- Wheelchairs (Standard Power)
- Private health insurance
- Private pay
For some types of DMEs, a supplier that has been awarded a contract by Medicare must be used. To determine if Medicare will pay for DMEs from this provider, use the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website to see if they are an approved provider.
Insurance coverage depends on medical necessity as determined by insurer. Valid doctors prescription required. Rental options also available.
Area Served
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Toll Free | (800) 542-7236 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
This provider does not offer other services or resources at this location.
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
LH-0600.5000-180Electric Scooters Definition
Programs that pay for or provide battery-powered, three or four-wheeled vehicles designed for individuals who have difficulty walking. Included are scooters for indoor use, scooters for outdoor use, and indoor-outdoor scooters for use in both places.
LH-0600.5000-850Transfer Devices Definition
Programs that pay for or provide lifts, transfer boards and other devices which help people who have physical disabilities move into and out of their vehicles, wheelchairs and other mobility systems. Also included are seat lift chairs, lift recliners and seat lifts which tilt to help people with limited mobility get into and out of their chairs; patient lifts that help transfer patients from beds to chairs or other locations; and portable ramps that aid people in entering/exiting vehicles or rampless buildings.
LH-0600.5000-970Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility Definition
Programs that provide special chairs with large wheels, some of which are power driven, that are used to transport patients or to provide increased mobility for people who are partially paralyzed or otherwise unable to walk. Also included are other types of personal wheeled transportation such as the Amigo.
LH-0650.0500Assistive Technology Equipment Sales Definition
Programs that sell new, used and/or reconditioned assistive technology products on a retail or discount basis.
LH-5000Medical Equipment/Supplies Definition
Programs that pay for or provide necessary in-home hospital equipment, monitoring devices, respiratory aids, prevention kits and other medical supplies that are required by people who want to prevent the transmission of an infectious disease, are coping with the effects of a chronic health condition or disability or are convalescing following surgery or illness. Included are programs that provide medical equipment on a loan basis as well as those that provide equipment that people can keep.