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Human Services of Faribault & Martin Counties


Martin County Center

115 W 1st St, Fairmont, MN, 56031

Distance: 962 Miles

(507) 238-4757


Service Details


MinnesotaCare is a health insurance program for Minnesotans with low incomes.

Enrollees get health care services through a health plan. They can choose their health plan from those serving MinnesotaCare enrollees in their county.

MinnesotaCare is funded by a state tax on Minnesota hospitals and health care providers, federal Basic Health Plan funds, and enrollee premiums.

MinnesotaCare pays for a variety of services such as doctor visits, prescriptions and hospital stays. Coverage may be different for children, pregnant women, and other adults. Also, some services and prescriptions may require prior approval.

The information on this page does not cover all program rules. To find out if you qualify, you must apply to the program.

If your application is approved, you will get more details on covered services after you enroll in a health plan.


  • Area Served by County
    • Martin County 
  • Payment
    • Private pay 
  • Specialization
    • People with low income 


Who qualifies for the MinnesotaCare program?

There are rules about income, assets, employer insurance coverage and other factors.

To get coverage, you:
* Must be a Minnesota resident
* Must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the U.S.
* Must meet the income limit
* Must not be enrolled in or have access to Medicare Part A
* Must not be enrolled in Medicare Part B
* Must not be incarcerated, unless you are awaiting disposition of charges

Learn more about eligibility rules on the MinnesotaCare website

Faribault and Martin counties limit processing to households requesting or enrolled in cash, food support or another Minnesota health care program.

Application Instructions

How to apply:
* Apply online through MNsure
* Fill out the paper application
* Call your county or tribal office to get a paper application if you can't print one

You may need to give proof of:
* Citizenship or immigration status
* Income

If you need help completing the application:
* Read the application FAQ online
* Phone: Call the Contact Center at (800) 657-3739
* In person: There may be a navigator or broker in your area who can help, or call (800) 657-3739 for more information.
* If you need help in a language other than English, tell them the language you need. They will get you help at no cost to you.


Most enrollees pay a monthly premium. Your premium amount is based on your family's income. The following enrollees have no premium:
* Children under age 21
* American Indian and Alaska Natives and their households
* Some military families. Members of the military who become eligible for MinnesotaCare within 24 months after completing active duty, and their households. This benefit is available to members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard and Reserve.
* People in a household with income less than 35 percent of the federal poverty limit

You may also need to pay copays or deductibles for certain services. See a summary of coverage and cost sharing. Coverage starts the first day of the month after you pay your premium.

Area Served

Martin County


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (507) 238-4757

Last Update


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