Minnesota Network of Hospice & Palliative Care (MNHPC)
Information and Support - Hospice and Palliative Care
1265 Grey Fox Rd, Ste 2, Arden Hills, MN, 55112
(651) 917-4616
Service Details
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Additional Information
Works to promote understanding of and access to high quality hospice and palliative care, and advance care planning.
* Hospice Care is comfort care at the end of life
* Palliative Care is comfort care at any stage of a serious illness
Both hospice and palliative care provide relief from pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. Hospice and palliative care are appropriate for people with a terminal or serious illness, regardless of age, gender, religious faith or cultural background.
* Advocacy for the needs of the terminally ill
* Education for professionals and the general public regarding hospice and palliative care, and advance care planning
* Free brochure "Choosing Hospice: A Consumer's Guide"
* Information about Advance Directives (Advance Health Care Directives)
* Promotion of increased access to quality hospice and palliative care services for all Minnesotans
* Questions answered and written material about hospice and palliative care provided
* Referrals to hospice programs in Minnesota and programs nationally
* Find a Hospice Provider
* Find a Palliative Care Provider
Area Served by County
- Aitkin County
- Anoka County
- Becker County
- Beltrami County
- Benton County
- Big Stone County
- Blue Earth County
- Brown County
- Carlton County
- Carver County
- Cass County
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- Chisago County
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- Kandiyohi County
- Kittson County
- Koochiching County
- Lac qui Parle County
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- Lake of the Woods County
- Le Sueur County
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- Mille Lacs County
- Morrison County
- Mower County
- Murray County
- Nicollet County
- Nobles County
- Norman County
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- Otter Tail County
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- Red Lake County
- Redwood County
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- Rock County
- Roseau County
- Scott County
- Sherburne County
- Sibley County
- St. Louis County
- Statewide
- Stearns County
- Steele County
- Stevens County
- Swift County
- Todd County
- Traverse County
- Wabasha County
- Wadena County
- Waseca County
- Washington County
- Watonwan County
- Wilkin County
- Winona County
- Wright County
- Yellow Medicine County
Legal Information
- Advance medical directives
- Free / no cost to everyone
Area Served
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (651) 917-4616 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
This provider does not offer other services or resources at this location.
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
FT-2700.0500Advance Medical Directives Definition
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to use the tools appropriate in their state to express their wishes regarding future medical treatment should they become incapacitated and/or to name the individual they would like to make health care decisions on their behalf. Included are programs that provide copies of necessary forms as well as those that help people complete them.
PH-6200.1800Death and Dying Education/Information Definition
Organizations or programs which focus on the topic of death and/or the process of dying and which may provide information about death and dying from different historical, philosophical, spiritual, religious, medical or mental health perspectives through classes, workshops, speakers, printed materials, or other modalities which may assist interested people to develop their own way of viewing and dealing with these experiences.
TJ-3000.8000Specialized Information and Referral Definition
Programs that maintain information about community resources that are appropriate for a specific target group or human services sector (for example, youth programs or addiction services) and which link individuals who are in need of specialized services with appropriate resources and/or which provide information about community agencies and organizations that offer specialized services.
YF-8500Terminal Illness Definition
An illness which, because of its nature, can be expected to cause the individual to die.
YJ-6830.8484Families/Friends of People With Terminal Illnesses Definition
The parents, children, spouses, partners, friends or other relatives or significant others of people who have life-threatening illnesses or injuries, whose own patterns of personal, social and familial coping have been significantly affected by the crisis and the ongoing impact on their lives.