Caregiver Support

6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to caregivers

Description: Provides emotional support, information and guidance to caregivers

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider

Medical Equipment or Assistive Technology Loan Program

6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: Lends medical equipment or assistive technology at no cost

Description: Lends medical equipment or assistive technology at no cost

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider

Caregiver Consultant

6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: Help for persons who take care of an older adult friend or family member, or grandparents who are taking care of grandchildren

Description: Help for persons who take care of an older adult friend or family member, or grandparents who are taking care of grandchildren

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider

Caregiver Education and Training

6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: Provides training and education for family members or other informal caregivers

Description: Provides training and education for family members or other informal caregivers

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider

Support Group - Caregivers and Memory Loss (Memory Café)

6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: Advice, support and comfort for people and their families

Description: Advice, support and comfort for people and their families

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider


6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: Friendly visits to people who may be socially isolated or have difficulty leaving their homes

Description: Friendly visits to people who may be socially isolated or have difficulty leaving their homes

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: A six week class for family caregivers. Topics include self-care, reducing stress, communicating with others, learning from emotions and mastering caregiving decisions.

Description: A six week class for family caregivers. Topics include self-care, reducing stress, communicating with others, learning from emotions and mastering caregiving decisions.

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider

Respite - Second Saturday

6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: Temporary services provided so that a caregiver (typically a family member) can take a break.

Description: Temporary services provided so that a caregiver (typically a family member) can take a break.

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider

Healthy Aging Classes

6100 Normandale Rd, Edina, MN, 55436

1044 Miles—Get Directions

(952) 929-1698


Description: Programs that help people make healthier life choices as they age

Description: Programs that help people make healthier life choices as they age

Other Services: 9 Services offered by this provider