Olmsted County Community Services
Find Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Adult & Family Services
2100 Campus Dr SE, Ste 200, Rochester, MN, 55904
Distance: 993 Miles
(507) 328-6400
Service Details
Frequently asked questions, information about getting help with drugs and alcohol, substance use disorder assessment and a substance use disorder facility locator.
If you do not have insurance, or your insurance does not pay for treatment for a substance use disorder, contact your county or tribal human services office to see if you quality for free treatment services. County contact information
Area Served by County
- Olmsted County
- Medicaid (Medical Assistance)
- People with low income
* Person's household income at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines; or
* Person is eligible for, or enrolled in Medical Assistance (MA)
Application Instructions
Call to schedule a substance use disorder assessment to determine whether treatment is needed and if you are eligible for funding.
Contact your county social services or tribal office to see if you qualify and to get a Rule 25 assessment.
Area Served
Olmsted County
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (507) 328-6400 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
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Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
RX-0400.1500-150Central Intake/Assessment for Alcohol Use Disorder Definition
Programs that evaluate individuals who may have an alcohol use disorder and triage them for the limited number of subsidized beds that may be available in the community. Some programs may also offer access to medical detoxification services for people who need them.
RX-0400.1500-180Central Intake/Assessment for Drug Use Disorders Definition
Programs that evaluate individuals who may have a substance use disorder involving one or more drugs other than alcohol and triage them for the limited number of subsidized beds that may be available in the community. Some programs may also offer access to medical detoxification services for people who need them.
RX-0400.2500General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders Definition
Programs that evaluate individuals who may have a drug and/or alcohol use disorder to determine the nature and extent of the problem; and which may make a recommendation regarding treatment or may refer the individual to a specific program. The service does not include a centralized triage function within the community or a formal relationship with the courts.
RX-1700.0500Alcohol Detoxification Definition
Programs that provide assistance and support for individuals who are physically dependent on alcohol during the alcohol withdrawal period (usually three to seven days).
RX-1700.1700Drug Detoxification Definition
Programs that provide assistance and support for individuals who exhibit pharmacological and other indicators of a drug use disorder (including those related to prescription medication), during the withdrawal period.
YF-8000.0500Alcohol Use Disorder Definition
A pattern of excessive alcohol use that leads to clinically significant impairment or distress. Diagnostic criteria include a strong desire to drink alcohol, difficulties in controlling its use, risky use, e.g., driving or operating machinery while under the influence, persisting in its use despite harmful personal, social and occupational consequences, pathological organ changes, increased tolerance and physical withdrawal symptoms.
YF-8000.1500Cross Addiction Definition
An occurrence sometimes seen in individuals recovering successfully from an alcohol or other drug use disorder who unexpectedly relapse and later trace the relapse back to a seemingly innocuous prescription issued by their physician for something unrelated such as sleep, pain, anxiety or an attention deficit disorder. Taking an addictive drug of another class may lead to a new addiction, but more than likely will lead back to the original substance of choice. Individuals with a cross addiction may also use seemingly innocent substances, such as over-the-counter sleep aids or prescription sedatives. Some even develop non-substance addictions to activities such as excessive shopping, gambling or sex.
YF-8000.1800Drug Use Disorders Definition
Disorders related to recurrent use of drugs other than alcohol that cause clinically and functionally significant impairment such as health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school or home. Diagnostic criteria include intense cravings; impaired control of the amount and frequency taken; persisting in use despite harmful personal, social and occupational consequences; risky use, e.g., driving or operating machinery while under the influence; increased tolerance and physical withdrawal symptoms.