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REM Minnesota, Inc.

Specialist Services

Rem Heartland - Mankato (Thomas)

Call for location

(952) 922-6776


Service Details


Specialist Services are designed to promote competency for staff and those providing care to benefit the needs of a specific person on a disability waiver.

If you have waiver funding, the support plan (based on an assessment of your needs) determines which services are funded through your waiver.

About This Location

Specialist services are designed to meet the following needs of a person on a disability waiver:
* Augmentative communication
* Behavior and mental health symptom support to strengthen effective emotional and behavioral functioning and manage harmful symptom expression or conduct that could endanger self and others
* Community safety training and support
* Functional motor skills
* Skills to live independently
* Personal health
* Social, leisure and recreational skills

Specialist services cover:
* Assessments, program development, evaluation and monitoring specific to outcomes identified in the person's support plan and related to one or more of the eligibility areas
* Training and supervision of staff and caregivers necessary to achieve competency in one or more of the eligibility areas

Learn more about this service when paid for under disability Waivers in the Community-Based Services Manual.


  • Area Served by County
    • Blue Earth County 
  • Payment
    • Brain Injury Waiver (BI) 
    • Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver (CADI) 
    • Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver 
    • Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD) 

Area Served

Blue Earth County


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (952) 922-6776

Last Update


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