Free or Low-Cost Meals

Social Services Center

115 1st Ave NE, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663


Description: Free or low cost meals for people in need

Description: Free or low cost meals for people in need

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider


Good Samaritan Health Clinic / Castleview Apartments

120 Broadway Ave N, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 529-4100


Description: Medical office that provides non-emergency care

Description: Medical office that provides non-emergency care

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Holiday Program

Social Services Center

115 1st Ave NE, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663


Description: Helps to celebrate holidays with food or gifts

Description: Helps to celebrate holidays with food or gifts

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Utility Assistance - HeatShare

Rochester Worship and Service Center

20 1st Ave NE, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663


Description: Help to pay for utility services for people in need

Description: Help to pay for utility services for people in need

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Dental Clinic

Good Samaritan Health Clinic / Castleview Apartments

120 Broadway Ave N, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 529-4100


Description: Office that provides professional care of teeth and gums

Description: Office that provides professional care of teeth and gums

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Food Shelf

Social Services Center

115 1st Ave NE, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663


Description: Food support is available to people in need

Description: Food support is available to people in need

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider


Rochester Worship and Service Center

20 1st Ave NE, Rochester, MN, 55906

(651) 388-9270


Description: Free or low cost clothes to those in need

Description: Free or low cost clothes to those in need

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Transitional Housing

Rochester Worship and Service Center

20 1st Ave NE, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663 Ext: 109


Description: Time-limited housing and support services for individuals and/or families

Description: Time-limited housing and support services for individuals and/or families

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Emergency Shelter

Rochester Worship and Service Center

20 1st Ave NE, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663


Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Description: Provides a temporary place to stay for people that do not have housing

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Help Paying for Basic Needs

Rochester Worship and Service Center

20 1st Ave NE, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663


Description: Short term help for basic needs like food, shelter and transportation

Description: Short term help for basic needs like food, shelter and transportation

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Supportive Housing

Good Samaritan Health Clinic / Castleview Apartments

120 Broadway Ave N, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663


Description: Low income housing with staff that helps residents identify resources or navigate available support systems

Description: Low income housing with staff that helps residents identify resources or navigate available support systems

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider

Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)

Good Samaritan Health Clinic / Castleview Apartments

120 Broadway Ave N, Rochester, MN, 55906

(507) 288-3663


Description: Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing

Description: Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing

Other Services: 12 Services offered by this provider