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Sanford Health

End Stage Renal Dialysis

Sanford Thief River Falls Downtown Campus

120 Labree Ave S, Thief River Falls, MN, 56701

Distance: 1488 Miles

(218) 681-4246


Service Details


An End Stage Renal Dialysis (ESRD) facility provides specialized services to help individuals who have been diagnosed as having an irreversible and permanent kidney disease that requires dialysis and/or kidney transplantation to maintain life. End stage renal dialysis is a treatment that cleans the blood of patients in whom one or both kidneys do not work or are absent. The process and equipment is designed to remove an excess build up of body waste, drugs, or chemicals in the blood. The ESRD facility can provide dialysis in-center or can train patients to provide treatments in their own home.

This provider is a Medicare Certified End Stage Renal Dialysis Supplier and subject to periodic inspection by the Minnesota Department of Health.


  • Area Served by County
    • Pennington County 
  • Licenses and Certifications
    • Medicare Certified 
  • Payment
    • Medicare 

Licenses, Registrations, or Certifications

ID Type Agency Url
26854 Medicare Certified End Stage Renal Dialysis Supplier Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)

Area Served

Pennington County


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (218) 683-4351

Last Update


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