Local Bus Service - Rolling Hills Transit and Dial-a-Ride
Houston County (Semcac)
138 E Main St, Caledonia, MN, 55921
(800) 528-7622
Service Details
Bus transportation that provides rides to people within a city, county or region
Additional Information
The Rolling Hills Transit program offers fare-based curb to curb transportation service for the general public via bus.
Bus rides are available for:
* Medical appointments
* Work
* Daycare
* Preschool
* Local businesses
* Senior dining
* Other special requests
All buses are accessible for individuals with disabilities.
Area Served by County
- Houston County
Organization Type
- Community Action Partnership
Fare based transportation available to the general public in Dodge, Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted and Winona counties
Application Instructions
Contact between 8:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday to schedule a ride.
24 hour advance reservation recommended.
Area Served
Houston County
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (866) 808-0260 |
Last Update
Other Locations
- Fillmore County (Semcac) 515 Washington St NW, Preston, MN, 55965
- Semcac Transportation 400 Commerce Dr SE, Kasson, MN, 55944
- Stewartville 120 City Ctr, Civic Center, Stewartville, MN, 55976
- Winona County Office (Semcac) 420 E Sarnia St, Ste 1600, Winona, MN, 55987
Other Services or resources
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
BT-4500.4700-500Local Bus Transit Services Definition
Organizations that provide fixed-route mass transit services that utilize buses to transport people within the limits of a city, a metropolitan area, a county or a multicounty region or to move people from outlying areas into a city or metropolitan area. With traditional fixed-route services, buses run along an established path at preset times picking up passengers at designated bus stops. Variations include express fixed-route services with fewer stops; deviated-fixed route services which allow vehicles to deviate from the fixed route to pick up passengers at other specific locations, e.g., places of employment or child care centers, while keeping to a timetable for scheduled stops; point-deviation services which allow vehicles to stop at scheduled stops per a timetable but pick up passengers with advanced reservations between scheduled stops; and arrangements in which vehicles have no fixed stops but allow riders to hail a vehicle which travels along a fixed route and request a drop-off anywhere along the route.
BT-4500.6500-170Disability Related Transportation Definition
Programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities who need special accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Also included are programs that provide transportation for youngsters with disabilities who have no other means of accessing necessary specialized services and activities. Some but not all vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts.
BT-4500.6500-280General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs Definition
Programs that provide flexibly scheduled and routed door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation services for the general public. Patrons generally have no private transportation and are unable to use the fixed-route public transportation system; or live in a rural area not served by a public transit system.