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Social Security Administration (SSA)

Information and Support - Replace Medicare or Social Security Card

Social Security Administration (SSA) - Bloomington

6161 American Blvd W, Ste 100, Bloomington, MN, 55438

(888) 847-0392


Service Details


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Additional Information

If your Medicare card is lost, stolen or damaged, you can ask for a replacement card from Social Security.

The nine-digit Social Security number is used to record your covered wages or self-employment earnings, and to monitor your record once you start getting benefits.
* Replacement card


  • Area Served by County
    • Carver County 
    • Hennepin County 
  • Payment
    • Free / no cost to everyone 

Application Instructions

The application to replace a Medicare card can be done online.
* Your Medicare card will arrive in the mail in about 30 days.
* It will be mailed to the address Social Security has on file for you.

For Social Security cards, call for an appointment and confirm what documentation you need to bring.
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Business Hours

9:00am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday

Area Served

Carver and Hennepin counties


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main - Local Toll Free (866) 964-7341
TTY (800) 325-0778

Last Update


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