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Southeastern Minnesota Center For Independent Living (SEMCIL)

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) Support Planner

SEMCIL - Rochester Office

2200 2nd St SW, Rochester, MN, 55902

Distance: 996 Miles

(507) 285-1815


Service Details


A Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) Support Planner helps people to write and use the person-centered Community Support Plan that is needed for CDCS.

CDCS allows participants in waiver programs or Alternative Care to manage their own services and supports. These personalized supports help people to live at home and avoid or delay out-of-home placement.

CDCS Support Planner services could include:
* Providing information about CDCS, provider options, and community resources
* Helping to write a person-centered CDCS Community Support Plan
* Helping to personalize a CDCS Community Support Plan based on the person's preferences and assessed needs
* Helping the person to put their plan into action, and to monitor, evaluate and revise their plan
* Helping to recruit, screen, hire, train, schedule and monitor workers

The person and/or family caregiver decides how much help they need from the CDCS Support Planner.

About This Location

Certified Support Planner staff:

Melissa Cummins
Melissa Althoff
Natalie Connell
Brandi Pagel


  • Area Served by County
    • Dodge County 
    • Fillmore County 
    • Freeborn County 
    • Goodhue County 
    • Houston County 
    • Mower County 
    • Olmsted County 
    • Rice County 
    • Steele County 
    • Wabasha County 
    • Winona County 
  • Payment
    • Alternative Care Waiver (AC) 
    • Brain Injury Waiver (BI) 
    • Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver (CADI) 
    • Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver 
    • Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD) 
    • Elderly Waiver (EW) 


Any person seeking help in planning and developing services and supports to remain at home using an established budget from public funds. Public funding is contingent on the availability of state and federal funding.

Application Instructions

Call the vendor as each has different requirements.


Call the vendor as each has different requirements

Business Hours

8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday - Friday

Area Served

Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, and Winona counties

Disability HUB MN and DB101 - Statewide


Phone Numbers

Type Number Hours
Main (507) 285-1815
Disability Hub MN (866) 333-2466

Last Update


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