Results for "Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, San Diego, CA"
8 results
Description: Helps renters and homeowners pay their home heating bills and may also assist homeowners to fix or replace their broken furnace
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Loans to eligible homeowners to increase the accessibility of their house or make needed fixes
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Program that provides rides for people in the community
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Job training and work skills development for older individuals
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Person or organization that does housekeeping, cooking and shopping for people who are unable to do the tasks for themselves due to a disability or physical condition
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Time-limited housing and support services for individuals and/or families
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Indoor and outdoor maintenance tasks to help a person live at home safely
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider
Description: Routine household tasks such as cleaning, cooking and laundry to keep up a home.
Other Services: 8 Services offered by this provider