St. David's Center for Child and Family Development
Autism Therapy
Call for location
(952) 939-0396
Service Details
Program that provides therapy and treatment for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Additional Information
Offers programs for children that have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Focuses on socializing, communicating, on treating the challenges associated with ASD, including social interaction, communication, sensory processing and self-regulation.
Support groups are available for families of Autism Day Treatment participants.
Area Served by County
- Anoka County
- Carver County
- Dakota County
- Hennepin County
- Ramsey County
- Scott County
- Washington County
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Autism Day Treatment (ADT) - For children ages 2 - 6 years old
* Autism Day Treatment for East African Families - uniquely responsive to the East African population for children ages 2 - 6 years old
* Autism Day treatment - ages 6 - 11
* Autism outpatient - ages 2 - 26
Accepts insurance, Medical Assistance/TEFRA, Prepaid Medical Assistance Programs (PMAP) and private pay
Area Served
Dakota, Hennepin and Scott counties
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (952) 939-0396 |
Last Update
Other Locations
- The Harman Center for Child & Family Wellbeing 1200 Marquette Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55403
Other Services or resources
- Activities for People with Disabilities
- Autism Assessment
- Community First Services and Supports (CFSS) Consultation Services
- Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) Support Planner
- Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral Intervention (EIDBI) Benefit
- Independent Living Skills Therapy (Waiver)
- Individualized Home Supports (IHS) with Training
- Individualized Home Supports (IHS) without Training
- Mental Health Case Management
- Rehabilitation Agency
- Respite
- Specialist Services
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
LR-0450Autism Therapy Definition
Programs that offer any of a variety of therapeutic interventions, which may be used singly or in combination, to address the range of social, language, sensory and behavioral difficulties experienced by children and adults with autism and related disorders. Because of the spectrum nature of autism and the many behavior combinations that can occur, treatment approaches must be tailored to meet the individual needs of each person. Included are behavioral and communication development approaches, specialized curricula and sensory integration; biomedical and dietary treatments including psychiatric medications, vitamins and minerals (such as Vitamin B6, magnesium and essential fatty acids), treatment using the hormone secretin and special diets; and various complementary therapies such as music, art or equestrian, speech, physical or occupational which may be used on an individual basis or integrated into an educational program.
YF-1800.0400Autism Spectrum Disorder Definition
A developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior, and includes symptoms that impair the individual's ability to function properly in school, work and other areas of life. Although autism can be diagnosed at any age, it is said to be a "developmental disorder" because symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life. Autism is also known as a "spectrum" disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. People with ASD have difficulty with social communication and interaction (e.g. lack of eye contact, voice tones that sound sing-song or robotic, facial expressions or gestures that don't match what is being said), restricted interests (e.g., intense interest in numbers, details, facts), restrictive/repetitive behavior (e.g., repeating words or phrases, getting upset at changes in routine or sensory input such as light or noise). People with ASD may also experience sleep problems or irritability, but also have many strengths including the ability to learn things in detail and remember information for long periods of time; being strong visual and auditory learners; and excelling in math, science, music or art. But although ASD can be a lifelong disorder and while children who have ASD have difficulty in talking, playing with other children, and relating to others, including their own family, treatment and services can improve their symptoms and ability to function.
YH-0300African Community Definition
Individuals whose nationality, ethnic background and cultural ancestry are those of one of the countries and peoples of the continent of Africa.
YH-0300.1800Ethiopian Community Definition
Individuals who are either citizens of Ethiopia or who identify themselves as part of the Ethiopian community. Ethiopia is a country in east Africa. The official language is Amharic.
YH-0300.8150Somali Community Definition
Individuals who identify themselves as part of the Somali community. Somalia is a country in east Africa, although without any effective national government due to lengthy civil war. Breakaway governments operate in Somaliland and Puntland. The official language is Somali.