Winona County Public Health and Human Services
WIC - Supplemental Nutrition Program
Winona County Public Health Nursing Service
825 Mankato Ave, Ste 202, Winona, MN, 55987
Distance: 953 Miles
(507) 457-6410
Service Details
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a nutrition and breastfeeding program to help pregnant women, new mothers, infants and young children eat well, learn about nutrition, and stay healthy.
WIC benefits include:
* Nutrition education and information
* A variety of healthy foods you purchase using your WIC card
* Breastfeeding support and education
* Health or community referrals
Area Served by County
- Winona County
Client Conveniences
- Assistance with community resources
Medical Services
- Nutrition assessment and/or counseling
- Free / no cost to eligible clients
- Family
- Female
- People with low income
Minnesota WIC is for:
* Pregnant women
* Breastfeeding women who have had a baby within the past year
* Women who have had a baby within the past 6 months
* Women who have been pregnant within the past 6 months
* Infants
* Children up to age 5
Minnesota families must:
* Live in Minnesota.
* Meet WIC income guidelines
- Families are automatically income eligible if they are enrolled in another program such as Medical Assistance, Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), Energy Assistance Program (EAP), Head Start, Medical Assistance TEFRA or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Application Instructions
All WIC clinics require appointments.
Bring to your appointment:
* All children under 5 years old, so staff can measure their height, weight, and hemoglobin
* Proof of identity for each woman and child
* Proof of all family income
* Proof of Minnesota address
Find required documents examples and more information about what to expect at your WIC appointment
This is a free service.
Area Served
Winona County
Phone Numbers
Type | Number | Hours |
Main | (507) 457-6410 |
Last Update
Other Locations
This provider does not offer this service at other locations.
Other Services or resources
This provider does not offer other services or resources at this location.
Taxonomy Terms Used: Clicking a taxonomy term from the list below launches a new search.
NL-6000.9500WIC Definition
A public health nutrition program administered by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service that provides nutrition education, nutritious foods, breastfeeding support and health care referrals for income-eligible pregnant or postpartum individuals, infants and children up to age five. Foster parents, grandparents, guardians and single fathers who have custody of their children may also be eligible to receive food assistance for children up to age five if they meet income guidelines. WIC provides specific foods to supplement the dietary needs of participants to ensure good health and development. Food packages typically include iron-fortified infant cereal, milk, cheese, eggs, whole grains, peanut butter, beans, fruits, vegetables and juice. Families can shop for WIC foods at most grocery stores using a WIC electronic transfer benefit (EBT) card or vouchers.
YB-9500.1500-650Preschool Age Children Definition
Children who are age three to five.
YB-9500.3300Infants/Toddlers Definition
Very young children from birth to age three.
YB-9500.6000Newborns Definition
Infants who are in their first weeks of life.
YK-2000.2200Families With Infants/Toddlers Definition
Family units that consist of parents and one or more offspring from birth through age three.
YK-6500.6100New Parents Definition
Parents with a recently born child.
YK-6500.6600Pregnant Individuals Definition
Individuals who are awaiting the birth of a child.
YL-3300.4500Low Income Definition
Individuals or families whose annual income is between 150 and 200% of poverty level for their family size.
YL-3300.6500Poverty Level Definition
People whose annual income is within the federal poverty level guidelines which vary according to family size and are revised annually.