Information and Support

601 E St NW, Washington, DC, 20049

(877) 333-5885


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 5 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

1919 University Ave W, Ste 500, St. Paul, MN, 55104

(866) 554-5381


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 3 Services offered by this provider

Case Management

7 S Maddy St, McGregor, MN, 55760

(218) 768-2762


Description: Coordination of services for people who need assistance

Description: Coordination of services for people who need assistance

Other Services: 15 Services offered by this provider

Find a Physical Therapist

American Physical Therapy Association - Minnesota Chapter

PO Box 459, Tolland, CT, 06084

(651) 635-0902


Description: Look for therapists across the state

Description: Look for therapists across the state

Information and Support

4220 NC 55 Hwy, Ste 330, Durham, NC, 27713

(703) 256-2084


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Find an Adaptive / Inclusive Playground

1463 Greystone Dr, Pittsburgh, PA, 15206

(412) 334-2652


Description: Find playgrounds that have inclusive and accessible features

Description: Find playgrounds that have inclusive and accessible features

Information and Support - Handbook of the Streets

2309 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, MN, 55404

(612) 874-0311


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 7 Services offered by this provider

Case Management

306 W Superior St, Ste 10, Duluth, MN, 55802

(218) 623-7800


Description: Coordination of services for people who need assistance

Description: Coordination of services for people who need assistance

Other Services: 19 Services offered by this provider

Support Group

33 Wentworth Ave E, Ste 355, St. Paul, MN, 55118

(651) 227-5502


Description: Advice, support and comfort for people and their families

Description: Advice, support and comfort for people and their families

Information and Support

Alzheimer's Association - National Office

225 N Michigan Ave, Fl 17, Chicago, IL, 60601

(800) 272-3900


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 2 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

Alzheimer's Association - Rochester

3261 19th St NW, Ste 201, Rochester, MN, 55901

(952) 767-7570


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 18 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

Alzheimer's Association - Fargo

2631 12th Ave S, Ste A, Fargo, ND, 58103

(800) 272-3900


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 18 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

Alzheimer's Association - Grand Forks

1375 S Columbia Rd, Ste C1, Grand Forks, ND, 58201

(800) 272-3900


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 18 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

Alzheimer's Association - Duluth

4960 Miller Trunk Hwy, Ste 700, Hermantown, MN, 55811

(218) 733-2560


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 18 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

Alzheimer's Association - Minnetonka

12701 Whitewater Dr, Ste 290, Minnetonka, MN, 55343

(952) 830-0512


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 18 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

Alzheimer's Association - St. Cloud

600 25th Ave S, Ste 201, St. Cloud, MN, 56301

(320) 257-0699


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 18 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support - Caregivers

322 8th Ave, Fl 16, New York, NY, 10001

(866) 232-8484


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

PO Box 13733, Roseville, MN, 55113


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Information and Support

655 Beach St, San Francisco, CA, 94109

(415) 561-8500


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 2 Services offered by this provider

Information and Support

American Cancer Society - Eagan

PO Box 21600, Eagan, MN, 55121

(800) 227-2345


Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Description: Helps people find resources and connect to services

Other Services: 4 Services offered by this provider