Adult Mental Health

Anoka County Government Center

2100 3rd Ave, Ste 500, Anoka, MN, 55303

(763) 324-1420


Description: The Anoka County Adult Mental Health Unit assists adults with mental illness, providing information and referral, screening, case management, and other support services.

Description: The Anoka County Adult Mental Health Unit assists adults with mental illness, providing information and referral, screening, case management, and other support services.

Other Services: 22 Services offered by this provider

Crisis Line

730 11th St NW, Ste 601, Washington, DC, 20001

(800) 426-2537


Description: Immediate support and advice for people in distress

Description: Immediate support and advice for people in distress

Counseling Services

309 Holly Ln, Ste 101, Mankato, MN, 56001

(507) 344-5512


Description: Individual, group and family counseling

Description: Individual, group and family counseling

Other Services: 5 Services offered by this provider