Assistive Technology. Locate resources to help you find and pay for the right equipment and technology to help you perform tasks at home, work, or play.
Assessment & TrainingCommunication AidsComputer DonationsControl & Signaling AidsGetting Around
Fun. Find adapted sports, accessible travel, social clubs, and other activities.Automobile / Van AdaptationsBlind Mobility AidsElectric ScootersTransfer DevicesWalking AidsWheelchairs
Getting EquipmentHearing DevicesInformationModify and RepairVehiclesVisual and Reading AidsAccess to Parks & FacilitiesDay ServicesLibraries
Health & Wellness. Connect to health care services, insurance counseling, public insurance programs like Medical Assistance (MA), and services to help you manage your health benefits.Braille Materials/CollectionsLarge Print Materials/CollectionsPublic LibrariesRecordings for the Blind
SocialSportsChemical Dependency HelpClinicsDental CareEquipment & SuppliesInsurance CounselingMedical Assistance (MA)
Home. Discover local housing options and programs that can help you with home repairs and upkeep. Locate resources to help make your home easier for you to live in and use.Enrollment & InformationMedical Assistance for Employed People with Disabilities (MA-EPD)Waiver Programs
MedicareFraud ReportingHelp Paying Medicare Premiums / Copays (Medicare Savings Programs)Medicare Information & Help
MedicineAdvice about MedicationsMedication MonitoringMinnesota RxConnect™ and other Prescription Drug helpPrescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs
Mental Health CarePlan for the FutureSupport GroupsTherapies & TrainingBuy a HomeHousing with Supports
Jobs. Find training, supports, work incentives, and benefits counseling to help you find or keep a job.Assisted Living ProvidersBoard and Care Homes or Boarding and Lodging with Special ServicesCustomized Living Services (Waiver payment for Housing with Services Establishment or Assisted Living Providers)Group Home - Adult Foster CareGroup Home - Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF / DD)Group Home - Supervised Living FacilitiesPlacements for Children and Youth
Keeping up your HomeMaking your Home Easy to AccessMoving from a FacilityNursing HomesRentingAccommodationsBenefits Counseling & Work Incentives
Legal. Find resources to help you understand your rights and responsibilities. Connect to advocates, plan for the future, and get legal help.Benefits Counseling - how work impacts your benefitsMedical Assistance for Employed People with Disabilities (MA-EPD)Ticket to Work Program
Find a JobJob Programs & SupportsPrepare for WorkRightsAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Legal ServicesPlanning for the Future (Health Care / Estate)Rights & AdvocacyStop Abuse
Money. Explore crisis funds to catch up on rent, mortgage and utilities. Search income support programs and help for managing money and debt.Assistive Technology & Home Modifications CostsDiscountsEmergency HelpHelp Paying Medical CostsMoney Management
On Your Own. Locate help and training to increase your independence or to move from a facility into your own home.Personal Care. Connect to Personal Care Assistance (PCA) services, home health aids, or other home care providers in your area.Transportation. Search public transportation options or learn where to go for adapted drivers’ training, disability parking permits, and more.Credit / Budget CounselingRepresentative Payee (manages Social Security $)Tax Preparation Assistance
Other Income SupportAssistance for Families with Children (MFIP)Food Support (formerly Food Stamps)Refugee Cash AssistanceSupplemental Aid for Adults (MSA)

- Specialists are also available by phone:
- Disability Hub MN™: 866-333-2466
- Senior LinkAge Line®: 800-333-2433
- Veterans Linkage Line™: 888-546-5838