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Health Care

Topics for "Health Care"

  • L Health Care 15999

    See all 15999 Results for Health Care

    Programs whose primary purpose is to help individuals and families achieve and maintain physical well-being through the study, prevention, screening, evaluation and treatment of people who have illnesses, injuries or disabilities; and the provision of family planning, maternity and other services that relate to human reproduction and sexual health.

  • LD Emergency Medical Care 93

    Programs that provide immediate short-term assistance for accident victims and acutely ill or injured individuals who are in pain, or whose health or lives may be in jeopardy.

  • LE General Medical Care 59

    Routine health care provided by internists, pediatricians, family medicine specialists, gynecologists, obstetricians, nurse practitioners, midwives, physicians' assistants or other health care providers who serve as the first point of contact with the health care system. Services focus on the prevention and early detection of health problems through regular physical examinations, blood pressure checks, mammograms and other similar procedures as well as therapeutic services for people who do not require specialty care.

  • LF Health Screening/Diagnostic Services 1374

    Programs that utilize one or a combination of diagnostic tools to test large groups of people who are assumed to be well for the presence of a particular disease or condition or for certain risk factors that are known to be associated with that disease or condition; or which conduct in-depth tests to establish the cause and nature of an individual's presenting illness. The purpose of screening is to identify people who have a potential problem and refer them for early diagnosis and treatment and, where possible, to provide preventive measures. Early identification is particularly important when dealing with conditions that are more difficult to treat when fully developed. The purpose of more in-depth diagnostic work is to establish a logical basis for ongoing treatment.

  • LH Health Supportive Services 3160

    Programs that provide equipment, information, social services or other forms of support which supplement the treatment or habilitation of people who have illnesses, injuries or disabilities or facilitate their ability to function. Included are blood banking services and other anatomical specimen banks, assistive technology equipment and services, medical equipment and supplies, health care referrals, health insurance, pharmacy services, prescription medication support services and health education information which may be instrumental in the prevention of illnesses, injuries or disabilities prior to their occurrence, teach people to provide emergency first aid or help people make informed decisions about health care.

  • LJ Human Reproduction 20

    Programs that provide medical, educational and counseling services which relate to the conception, delivery and care of children.

  • LL Inpatient Health Facilities 733

    Long or short-term health care institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes that provide beds for people who need diagnostic, treatment or convalescent care services which require that they remain at least overnight and often for extended periods of time.

  • LN Outpatient Health Facilities 636

    Health centers, clinics, departments within hospitals, and other facilities that provide walk-in, walk-out diagnostic and treatment services for people whose care does not require confinement or a hospital stay.

  • LR Rehabilitation/Habilitation Services 8821

    Programs that provide rehabilitation and/or habilitation services. Rehabilitation services involve a combination of treatment and education services which are designed to restore maximum functioning, a sense of well-being and a personally satisfying level of independence for individuals who have temporary or permanent disabilities. Habilitation services involve a combination of treatment and education services which are designed to either increase or maintain the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social functioning of individuals who have not reached age-appropriate developmental milestones.

  • LT Specialized Treatment and Prevention 1443

    Programs that offer medical or surgical procedures or behavior management interventions that have been developed to ameliorate or cure a specific disease, disability or condition or which modify the circumstances under which health care is provided based on the condition and mobility of the patient. Also included are programs for people who have a family history or other risk factors associated with a chronic disease or other types of illness that help them make lifestyle or other changes that can prevent the disease or limit the initial onset.

  • LV Specialty Medicine 1476

    Programs that offer diagnostic and treatment services that are provided by physicians who have special training and expertise in a clinical area of practice which focuses on a specific age group (e.g., geriatrics, pediatrics), an organ or organ system of the body (e.g., internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology) or on complex scientific techniques developed to diagnose or treat certain types of disorders (e.g., nuclear medicine, radiology).